Tuesday, November 16, 2010

waste, but great

I [waste] my time ALL the time.

It is probably definitely not the best thing for me to do, 
but it happens. a. lot. 

best time waster = StumbleUpon

If you have never heard of StumbleUpon,
you are really missing out. 

I.T.   I.S.   A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.   

But don't worry. I am solving all of your life problems
[or adding to them by giving you a time waster]
right now by introducing it to you. 

Go. Click on the link above. Enjoy.

Seriously, I will sit on this website for hours upon hours and get absolutely nothing accomplished. 

Butttttt I find so many cool websites [that waste more of my time] because of it.

Examples incase you need a little more convincing:

Can't find your phone? Click here!
What if Abe Lincoln had a facebook? Click here!
Cookie Dough Truffles? Click here!
Wanna play an addicting game? Click here!

Go. Try for yourself!

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