Monday, October 18, 2010

first attempt

Today my dad and I went downtown Annapolis and set out to take some pictures. Earlier in the day, the weather was prettier, but by the time we made it out, it was a little overcast. But we still walked around for about 2 hours and shot some photos. 

I am [very] early in my stages of learning about photography. 
My dad and Papa are teaching me along the way. 
I'm a slow learner.

Here are some of my [best] from the day.

and then there's this. haha



  1. Feedback is one word! I like the tree, the window box, and the fence best.


  2. Great photos, Taylor! I loved the colors and the framing. And of course the last one of you and Chris. Wish I were there to take photos with you. I used to carry around a million lenses in my photo days. Just bought tickets to see you at Christmas!!! XXXOOO
