Friday, May 14, 2010

ultimate with the guys

Starting about a month and a half ago, about once a week (and sometimes twice if we are lucky) I go out to the intramural fields with about 6 of my guy friends and we play ultimate frisbee in the dark.

And you are probably thinking...How in the world do you play in the dark?

Good question.


Yes. A light up frisbee. AND it changes colors!

So, yeah, we go out at about 10pm and play for about an hour and a half and we have a blast. I have so much fun playing with all the guys and believe it or not, I can actually keep up with most of them! :)

Tonight we had our last late night frisbee get together of the school year. We had so much fun. I even met someone new! (Something that I have come to love since being at Elon. You meet some wonderful people everyday here!) And he was REALLY good at frisbee. He had the honor of being asked to play on the ultimate team here at Elon as a freshman this year.

Anyway, he was on my team and I just have to say that yes, we did win. A whopping 7-2!

Looking back at my year at Elon and what I am going to miss the most, these nights with those awesome guys are definitely one of the top things on my list. There is just enough competition to make it fun, but not enough that we get mad at each other. We all jump on each other and push each other around. Sometimes it's nice to just be "one of the guys."

I am really going to miss these guys and these fun nights during the summer. I am sure we will have many more of them to come in the years to follow.

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